Architectural Change Request
chevron_right I want to make a change to the outside of my house (build a deck, repaint, re[place windows, doors, or roof, or any permanent change). What do I have to do to get HOA permission? Any change to the outside of your house, or addition to your property, needs to be approved before work is done. You will need to submit an Architectural Change Request form to the Covenants Committee with all relevant information and details. Send the form to Freddys Molina at Sunshine Management. The Committee generally only takes a week or two to approve completed requests, but please allow enough time before you begin any work. Some items have been granted "blanket approval", meaning you don't need to go through the approval process. Click here for what you can do without seeking approval.
chevron_rightHow long does it take to get approval for an ACR? It can take up to thirty (30) days, however, it normally only takes a week.
Board of Directors
chevron_rightWhen does the Board of Directors meet? The Board normally meets monthly, on the fourth Tuesday of the month, at 7 p.m. at Grace Community Christian Church. All homeowners and residents are welcome to attend every Board meeting. You can also request that something be placed on the agenda for Board meetings. Watch the Calendar for upcoming dates.
chevron_rightCan I serve on the Board of Directors? All Old Farm homeowners (single family, townhome or condos) who are in good standing (current on their dues) are eligible to serve on the Board. Elections are held at the annual meeting each year. Sometimes vacancies occur during the year as well. Contact our property management company if you're interested in serving on the Board.
HOA Dues
chevron_rightCan I pay my dues online? Yes! Contact our property management company for details.
chevron_rightWho do I pay my HOA dues to? All payments for HOA Dues should be made out to Old Farm HOA and then mailed to:Jefferson Property Management
3886 Roundtree Road
Unit 1
Jefferson, MD 21755Condominium Building Management Company
Jefferson Property Management, Steve T. Swank
P.O. Box 67
4460 Lewis Mill Court
Jefferson, MD 21755
chevron_rightHow often do we have to pay HOA dues? Townhomes, single-family, and condos are billed twice a year in January and July. Payments are due by the end of January and July. If you are unable to make the payment twice a year please contact our property management company to make arrangements.
chevron_rightIf I own a condominium do I have to pay dues twice? Yes, you pay a monthly fee to the Condominium Association (Swank Property Management) and you pay a yearly fee to the Old Farm HOA (Jefferson Property Management).
chevron_rightWhat do the condominiums pay for in the HOA? There are expenses for Insurance, maintenance of the common areas, the tot lot, shoveling the snow from the common areas of Old Farm Drive, and Fidelity coverage insurance to cover the HOA in case of a lawsuit.
Miscellaneous Questions
chevron_rightWhat do I do with trash, recycling, yard waste and bulk trash items? In the single family homes and townhomes, trash pickup is done by the City of Frederick every Friday. Trash should be secured in appropriate containers and placed at the curb the night before scheduled pickup. (In the townhomes, place trash in the containers in the trash corrals). Condo owners also have trash corrals. Check with your condo association to ask about scheduled pickups. Do NOT put out trash any day other than the scheduled pickup.
Recycling is picked up on alternate Thursdays. (See the Calendar for dates). Place the marked recycling bins at the curb. The bins are free (one per household) and are available from Frederick County at https://frederickcountymd.gov/6842/Carts-Bins-for-Collecting-Recyclables. Bins should not be put out earlier than the night before pickup, and must be stored out of sight within a day after pickup.
Beginning in October 2018, the City of Frederick will pick up yard waste every week, on the same day trash is picked up. Yard waste (including leaves) must be placed in yard-waste bags or reusable containers and placed on the curb in front of your house. Again, please do not put out large bags of waste except on pickup days. The City has ceased pickup of leaves at the curb. Leaves must be bagged with other yard waste and put out as noted.
The OFHOA Board of Directors is considering doing an annual Bulk Trash Pickup (we did one in 2018). In the meantime, you must arrange and pay to remove bulk trash items. Do NOT place these items on the curb or in trash corrals, as you will face a fine and the cost of removal. -
chevron_rightDoes the Old Farm community have an annual homeowners' meeting? Yes, the annual meeting is usually held in mid-March. Watch the Calendar for the dates.
chevron_rightWhat NAC (Neighborhood Advisory Council) is Old Farm in? Old Farm is part of NAC 1, along with Walnut Ridge and Whittier. NAC 1 meets six times a year, on the first Wednesday of alternate months. See the calendar for upcoming meetings, which are held at 7:00 p.m. at Whittier Elementary School. Information about the NACs is at https://www.cityoffrederick.com/316/Neighborhood-Advisory-Council.
chevron_rightDoes Old Farm HOA have a Facebook page? Yes! Click here to go to their Facebook page. Lots of activities in the Frederick community and what's going on in the neighborhood!
chevron_rightI am selling my home, who do I contact for a resale Package? Jefferson Property Management will be happy to supply you with a copy of the Old Farm HOA bylaws for a nominal fee. If you live in a condominium you will need a set of documents for the condominiums so you will need to contact management Swank Property Management. Visit our property management page here for contact information.